Episode_I. Phantom

In this first episode, we explore the origins of Art Wars and the Art Wars NFT project and discuss the many “Phantoms” at work during the initial phases of development, promotion and delivery. We also go way back to 1976 to learn how the Stormtrooper came to be.

Our guests are crypto buff and ex ArtWarsNFT mod Kaiser Gigas, owner of 600 NFTs & Wake Gallery Methodic, Open Metaverse Evangelist @Webaverse and Biz Dev @Velodromefi and @SuperlativeSS. And Andrew Ainsworth, of Shepperton Design Studios Creator of the original Stormtrooper helmet and armour for Star Wars in 1976.

Music on this episode was Star War Imperial March (Dubstep Remix) by LDUK Music and Star Wars Violin Remix by Grammy nominated Jenny Oaks Baker.

We quickly discovered that doing an audio only podcast about art and the visual medium has its limitations. Yeah ok, we didn’t think that through. So on this page you will find a visual compendium to some of the topics we discussed but couldn’t show.

Firstly, here’s a link to the entire ArtWarsNFT collection for your viewing pleasure. and the original physical exhibition Art Wars.

21.00 Goblin like creature mentioned by Spikerama. Artist, Sandro Fazlinovic.

15.45 Ralph Macquarie Image referenced by Andrew Ainsworth.

36.00 Twitter ads for ArtWarsNFT mentioned by TK-421

37.50 “Fuck NFT” quote from Ben Moore on Collectable Dry mentioned by TK-421

49.05 The #169 helmet “No cheese” owned by 0xc4c5…f00E and the base helmet for creators.

50:50 Art Wars Exhibition at Comic Con Dubai mentioned by Andrew Ainsworth.

54.00 Ben Moore in his fast car, revelling in riches after the launch, mentioned by Spikerama

01.06.00 Kaiser’s Supertrooper Badge for exemplary performance throughout ArtWarsNFT.

01.08.36 The Museum of Moving Images from Spikerama’s Star Wars Confession. Can’t believe I found this but take a look at around 6.43. That’s them! The same Stormtroopers. Though this video must’ve been from a different time because they are in a different part of the building.

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